• 087 133 0015
  • admin@impathiso.org.za
  • Kwa-Thema Business Park Rhokana Street Kwa-Thema, Springs, 1567

Who we are

Impathiso NPC was formed with a mandate of social mission, with the intention to develop programmes than can:

  • Empower communities through skills and capacity building.
  • Focus on youth development through tailor made interventions resolving socio economic challenges.
  • Leverage stakeholders and networks to coordinate job creation initiatives.

Intent Justification

South Africa continues to deal with the triple challenges, inequalities, poverty and unemployment. One is the resultant of the other, for example poverty could be a consequence of unemployment and inequalities are worsened by unemployment.

At the center of economic growth and development limitations, is the ability for the government and the private sector to create jobs. We have noted in the past 10 years that the situation has worsened in terms of the economy creating jobs, in fact the opposite has happened- the economy has shredded jobs, with a situation that has worsened by COVID-19 and post COVID-19 economy impact.

The intention of Impathiso NPC is to bring about change, with programmes that can provide an economic launch pad, to resolve some of the challenges faced by the unemployed, youth and women. It is not Impathiso’s promise to resolve all the problems, however the genuine intent is to change and impact one life at a time, and community at a time.

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